Resource Directory

Disclaimer: The Welcome Project PA is providing this listing for informational purposes only. Inclusion in this listing does not imply any endorsement by The Welcome Project PA. The Welcome Project PA accepts no claims or liability for services or information provided in this directory. All information is provided on an “as-is” basis and no warranties or claims are implied.

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The Gender Affirmative Letter Access Project

Website: The GALAP Website



We are a group of transgender, nonbinary, and allied mental health and medical providers based in the U.S. who have come together to:

a)    State our position on the requirement that transgender and nonbinary people and/or people seeking gender-affirming medical interventions acquire a letter of support from a mental health provider;

b)   Make public our commitment to making letters, when required by medical systems who adhere to the WPATH SOC, accessible and free.



It may be years before clinical practice shifts toward a more socially just model. We aim to raise awareness in order to shift the culture of compulsory letters by eliminating the share of cost from our clients. We recognize that this movement is only an intermediary step towards a more ethical, just, and accessible model of gender-affirming care.

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